The Obama's Living the Life

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Congrats Mr. President on winning your Noble Peace Prize!

Once again my heart is filled with pride and my eyes well with tears as I sit and reflect on where we have come as a people. Our ancestors must be briming with pride as they watch (be clear their eyes are watching us) this young, accomplished black man not only lead the Free World, but also be named as the winner of the Noble Peace Prize this morning.

I keep hearing that Jill Scott song in my head "Golden aka: Living the Life"—the Obama's are straight UP living the LIFE that most of us mere mortals only dream about. Good for them!


I cannot help but feel that this man has been marked by the creator for greatness if He (President Obama) so chooses to pursue that noble end.  Think about it—we know in the Bible (book of Daniel) that "God chooses who rules in the Kingdoms of men".  This young man who was born of an African father and a white mother, has ascended to the greatest of heights and in such a short time, and he has done so with grace and humility.  One has to wonder with this latest accolade if God doesn't have a plan to use President Obama to achieve good ends for all humanity. One has to see that God has placed divine "favor" on this man's life.  Everything the man touches turns to Gold folks: bestselling author, Senator, President, great wife, great kids, he is a self-made millionnare in his own right, he is a NOBLE PEACE prize winner. WOW!! To sister Michelle Obama, I say "Go head Girl—you chose very well!"


Now, I am not saying that the President is the Messiah (he is NOT).  I am not saying he is the savior of the world (JC already came and is coming back). He is not.  I am saying that for those who want to attack and criticize this man for his inexperience, etc.  Please understand that no-one gets where President Obama has in his life without the divine intervention of God on his side.


In the final analysis folks we are witnessing human history unfold in a fascinating way.  Whether or not the President earned the Peace Prize is a different story, but for now we can all say he is living a charmed life. Something we have never seen in all the world for a black man and a black woman.

Sophia A. Nelson is an award-winning journalist and author of the best-selling book The Woman Code: 20 Powerful Keys to Unlock Your Life. Follow her on Twitter.