The NFL needs to stop playing. They need to stop acting like there wasn’t a major effort to keep former San Francisco quarterback Colin Kaepernick out of the league.
There was and there still is.
The NFL didn’t just collude to keep Kaepernick off the field, they are the collusionist colluders in all of Collusionville. And Kaepernick knows this, which is why he filed a suit against the league alleging such and, at this point, the NFL needs to follow their blockers into the hole and run Kap his bread.
The NFL is basically the Trump administration of sports leagues except we don’t need a special counsel to investigate whether there was collusion to keep Kaepernick off the field for the irremediable crime of protesting black death at the hands of police because the NFL keeps telling on itself.
Recently, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell spoke with the media during an event for Super Bowl LIII in Atlanta, and said with a straight face that he believes Colin Kaepernick isn’t in the league because teams don’t believe that he can help them win.
“Our clubs are the ones that make decisions on players that they wanna have on their roster,” Goodell said, TMZ Sports reports. “They make that individually. They make that in the best interests of their team. They all want to win ... and they’re all gonna do whatever they can to win.”
When a second reporter pushed Goodell on the issue, he reiterated his points.
“I think if a team decides that Colin Kaepernick or any other player can help their team win, that’s what they’ll do. They want to win and they make those decisions individually in the best interests of their club.”
To which Kap’s lawyer, Mark Geragos, immediately called bullshit and yelled “Mark Sanchez” in his Soulja Boy voice.
“Anybody who believes that will believe that Mark Sanchez was a better choice,” Geragos said, adding that several teams added other quarterbacks who were “well past their prime” this season while Colin Kaepernick wasn’t even called in for a workout.
Not one workout.
Oh, and get this little tidbit from Yahoo Sports:
Four months into quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s 2017 free agency and heading into intensified criticism from President Donald Trump over player protests, the NFL used a Washington consulting firm to ask Americans whether Kaepernick should have been signed by a team, according to sources familiar with the league’s research.
The poll was conducted by The Glover Park Group, a consulting firm that was co-founded by then-NFL communications chief Joe Lockhart, sources told Yahoo Sports. The data sought by the NFL included fan attitudes about a few high-profile league concerns, including domestic violence, gambling, player protests and player safety. Sources noted that Kaepernick was the only player singled out in the research for specific opinions, which were then compiled and sent to various league officials, including commissioner Roger Goodell and several other high-ranking executives.
The poll could create a significant point of contention in Kaepernick’s collusion complaint against the NFL, raising the question of why the league conducted opinion research with its fan base about the former San Francisco 49ers quarterback. The existence of polling data on Kaepernick could also raise the question of whether the research went beyond high-ranking NFL executives to ownership groups or other team personnel who could have signed the quarterback.
If this report is true, then this means that the NFL actually polled fans to see if Kaepernick being on a team would hurt the brand and that, my friends, stinks of collusion. Ever wonder how all 32 NFL teams collectively decided not to even bring Kaepernick in for a workout this past season? Ever wonder why teams would go with journeymen and even bring players out of retirement than go with Kaepernick? Since Kaepernick’s whiteballing from the NFL some 85 quarterbacks have signed with teams and none of them committed the heinous crime of protesting against the over-policing of black communities.
You don’t have to look far to see what’s going on here. It’s like my grandfather* always said, “If it looks like collusion, walks like collusion and talks like collusion it’s probably the NFL wearing a fucking collusion suit.”
*Fine, my grandfather never said this but you get the point.