The Ku Klux Klan Wants You ... to Join?

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The Ku Klux Klan is looking for new members, and don't let the small detail of race stop you from applying.

Race hating? That's the old Klan.

The new Klan is all about inclusion and diversity, according to John Abarr, a Montana Klansman who told the Great Falls Tribune that the KKK's white supremacist ways, at least in Montana, are a thing of the past.

"The KKK is for a strong America," Abarr told the newspaper. "White supremacy is the old Klan. This is the new Klan."


And he is serious. How serious? So serious that last year he held a summit that included members of the NAACP, according to the Tribune. The new Klan's mission won't be race-based but, rather, will be against big government and keeping Capitol Hill from establishing a "new world order," according to Abarr.


"If John Abarr was actually reformed, he could drop the label of the KKK," Rachel Carroll-Rivas of the Montana Human Rights Network told the Tribune. "They know that their beliefs aren't popular, so they try to appear moderate. I think it's just a farce. Our mission for the last 24 years has been to shine a light on hatred."


Read more at the Great Falls Tribune.