The Internet Is Getting Everyone Fired

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(The Root) — There must be something in the air, because people are getting fired left and right thanks to social media. Here's a quick roundup of who got fired this week.

A prosecutor in Ohio was fired after he admitted to Facebook-chatting with a witness in a case in an attempt to get her to change her testimony. The former prosecutor, Aaron Brockler, insists that he was wrongfully terminated.
Read more at Fox News.

In Haralson County, Ga., a school bus driver was fired over a post he made on Facebook. Johnny Cook, disturbed over a child being denied lunch in school because of a 40-cent debt, ranted about the incident on his personal Facebook page, saying, "I would rather feed a child than to give food stamps to a crack head." The school denied the incident happened and gave Cook the option to apologize or lose his job.
Read more at Time.


A 911 operator in Dallas was relieved of her position after some really racist postings she made on Facebook. April Sims, 23, compared black people to animals on her personal Facebook page and said, "I can count on one hand the black people I know who don't have expletive] for brains!!!" Read more at Dallas News.


Remember the photo of that guy licking a stack of taco shells at Taco Bell? He has officially been fired. The shells were used for training and were not served to customers, and the picture was taken to be entered in an internal contest. Still, Taco Bell says it "deplore[s] the impressions this has caused to our customers, fans, franchisees and team members."
Read more at CBS News.


Tracy Clayton is a writer, humorist and blogger from Louisville, Ky.