The latest back-and-forth to happen on the Facebook timeline was between a Houston resident and the city police department. Why? The cops were exposed for their reckless behavior and in turn, pulled on their own list of receipts against the whistleblower.
A single video of a police cruiser doing donuts in the snow led to an online war on Hamon Brown, the man behind the camera. After Brown’s video went viral, the Houston police officers responsible for the incident received discipline from the department, according to ABC 13. In petty retaliation, the Houston Police Union followed up with their own evidence of Brown appearing to violate the law.
First, they posted a picture of Brown beside a photo of the crack in his windshield which was covered with a piece of duct tape.
“Tag local auto glass repair companies We’re looking for someone who can help Hamon Brown get his windshield repaired. He didn’t get any Crime Stoppers money for snitching tattling, so we need a good sponsor that can hook him up,” the union wrote with hashtags of “Cops Love Donuts” and “WeGotTheInternetGoing Nutz.”
They didn’t stop there, they had more smoke for the guy, making an additional post but with a video of him sitting on top of his car as it slow rolled down the street beside a firetruck.
“Remember Hamon Brown? The hater that went on the news to run his mouth about police cars in the snow (in a parking lot)?” read the post.
Since the video and the police union’s response started circulating, Brown told ABC 13 he didn’t think the story would blow up the way it did.
“It is really messing with me because y’all posting all my business on social media, ya’ll are doing a lot to me and getting me real scared. I ain’t did nothing wrong. Y’all were in the wrong,” said Brown, adding that their retaliation discourages residents from holding cops accountable.