The Great Fried-Chicken Debate

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(The Root) — It feels like 1997 all over again: For the second time in Tiger Woods' groundbreaking golf career, one of his contemporaries has referenced fried chicken in relation to the "Cablinasian" superstar. The first time it happened, Fuzzy Zoeller was behind the comments, made upon Woods' first Masters Tournament win. This time the culprit is Sergio Garcia, a professional golfer from Spain with whom Woods reportedly has a tempestuous relationship.

Friction between the two reportedly began during the 1999 PGA championship, and the two have been butting heads ever since. It all came to a head yesterday when Garcia commented that he would invite Woods over and serve him fried chicken. Woods responded to the comments on Twitter, calling them "wrong, hurtful, and clearly inappropriate."

Interestingly enough, the situation sparked an early-morning Twitter debate on fried chicken: Is an offer to serve someone fried chicken a slur or an invitation? If white people eat fried chicken, too, can it still be considered racist? Are we postracial enough to eat fried chicken as black people in the light of day without shame?


Check out some of the conversation below. In the meantime, we're gonna run to Popeyes real fast.

It occurs to me that some of us refuse to eat fried chicken or watermelon in public. #DamnThat

— Goldie Taylor (@goldietaylor) May 22, 2013

Fried chicken is THEE racial unifier and these folks tryna front. Girl. Fried chicken is the answer to world peace. World piece of chicken.

— Cheekie (@pinchmycheekie) May 22, 2013


Tracy Clayton is a writer, humorist and blogger from Louisville, Ky.