Pose actor and activist Indya Moore, has just dropped a “gender-exclusive” collection with Tommy Hilfiger. Though Moore has been in the fashion industry since they were 15, this capsule collection is the first time they are branching into apparel. Moore stated they “jumped at the opportunity” to collaborate with Tommy and appreciated that they “wanted me because of who I am and how I show up.”
The Tommy x Indya collection is not only gender-nonconforming but size-inclusive, and while this is Moore’s first time designing, they wanted to ensure all of the clothes felt good to wear—physically, mentally and spiritually. One of the greatest challenges Moore met was actually finding ways to create the bigger sizes (the collection runs from XXS-3XL) and working around the “pre-set metrics” the factories already had in place.
The capsule itself is stunning and the photos from the shoot expertly reflect Moore’s style and vision. The collection was shot in Moore’s native Bronx, N.Y. and editorial shots feature four other activists of their choosing—all of whom are fierce advocates for trans rights and justice. The styles and designs were all taken and inspired by previous Tommy looks, including the iconic “archive striped shirt,” satin basketball shorts with full volume legs that blur the lines of masculine and feminine silhouettes, an oversized polo shirt, a sailing jacket lined with more satin, tailored, pinstriped pants and other shoes and accessories. The collection also includes a zip-up with “BRONX” displayed across the chest in collegiate font as a nod to Moore’s hometown and a reminder of where it all began.
The collection is available on tommy.com and in select global retailers starting July 13.