Remember Kyle Rittenhouse? The kid who drove from Illinois to Wisconsin with his AR-15? The kid who shot three people (killing two of them) during a demonstration in support of Jacob Blake? The kid who was seen dramatically sobbing during his criminal trial that ended in acquittal?
Yeah, he’s back in the news again.
Nearly two years after he was found not guilty in his criminal trial, Rittenhouse could find himself back in court after the estate of one of the men he killed filed a lawsuit against him and others they feel are partly responsible for the death of their loved one.
Over the weekend, the estate of Joseph Rosenbaum filed a lawsuit against the now-20-year-old, and multiple police officers accusing them of wrongful death, negligence, and many other allegations, according to Newsweek.
The lawsuits are beginning to stack up against as earlier this year the father of Anthony Huber, one of the other men fatally shot by Rittenhouse, filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the conservative star, claiming that he worked with local police officers to harm participants of the 2020 protests in Kenosha.
Years before Huber’s father filed a lawsuit, Gaige Grosskreutz, the man who survived Rittenhouse’s shootings, filed a lawsuit in October 2021, accusing Rittenhouse and other law enforcement officials of causing his injuries.
To no surprise, Rittenhouse isn’t too happy about the lawsuits, telling the Texas Scorecard, “These lawsuits are making it harder and harder for me to move on with my life. It is extremely difficult to go outside without fear of being harassed or assaulted because of the lies spread in these lawsuits. No one should have to continue to defend the fact that they acted in self-defense.”
Good luck selling that to the folks who lost their loved ones at his hands.