The Donald’s Worst Nightmare? More Than 260,000 People Petition to Rename Trump Tower Block for Barack Obama

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Image for article titled The Donald’s Worst Nightmare? More Than 260,000 People Petition to Rename Trump Tower Block for Barack Obama
Photo: Zach Gibson (Getty)

Donald Trump seems to have a love affair with Barack Obama; he just can’t seem to resist mentioning the forever president every chance he gets.


So, maybe, just maybe, Trump would truly appreciate living on “President Barack H. Obama Avenue.”


That’s the intent of the more than 260,000 people who have signed a MoveOn petition seeking to have a stretch of New York’s Fifth Avenue where Trump Tower’s located renamed just that, USA Today reports.


As the news site reports, petition organizer Elizabeth Rowin says she started the movement “as a joke. I saw a comedian joke about how it would make Trump so mad if it was named after former President Obama and thought, ‘Why not?’”

Why not, indeed. Can we say: Best. Troll. Ever?

However, unfortunately, as USA Today notes, the effort is unlikely to succeed.

Current New York City law prohibits the renaming of streets for people who are still alive—as Obama (thankfully) is.


In addition, Wally Rubin, district manager of the local community board, tells the news site that there’s a moratorium on street renaming.

However, Rowin hopes an exception can be made in this case, telling Newsweek:

“I am sure the conditions can be changed, there are two streets in LA named after former President Obama. These laws are arbitrary and can be worked around,” she said.


Hey, during his first campaign for president, Trump bragged he could “shoot somebody” on Fifth Avenue and still get elected. Maybe—if the troll gods are good—just in time for his re-election stump speech, Trump will be able to say he could shoot someone on “Obama Ave.”

One can dream.