20. When you want to go on a cruise to the Bahamas and get discount conch
19. When you have a baby and you really, really, really want to name her Keisha
18. When you want to grow a beard and not have everyone think you're a gotdamn hipster
17. When you want to date a Black woman
16. When you're at a work event with a bunch of White people and you see another Black face
15. When you're at a party and "Nigga What Nigga Who" comes on and you want to repeat the chorus
14. When you want to drive a Cadillac and you don't want people to think you're a douchebag
13. When you're going bald
12. When attending an August Wilson play
11. When you want to learn how to do the Wobble
10. When you're at a Black family reunion and you want to ask who made the potato salad
9. When you're in a situation where you want people to assume you know how to fight even though you haven't been in a fight since 4th grade
8. When in the sun
7. When listening to Otis Fucking Redding
6. When you feel like giving dap to a random Black person you see on the street
5. When you want to talk guilt-free shit about Tyler Perry
4. When sitting on a predominately White train in the morning and you don't want anyone to sit next to you
3. When you're a woman over 60 and still wish to look 32
2. When walking to a new court to play pick-up basketball
1. When it was the night Obama was elected President