Larry Wilmore, known for his role as the “Senior Black Correspondent” on Comedy Central’s The Daily Show, is scheduled to replace Stephen Colbert on Comedy Central’s hit show, The Colbert Report, according to the Los Angeles Times.
Wilmore will become Comedy Central’s first African-American late night host in January as host of The Minority Report With Larry Wilmore. The show will take a comedic look at politics and current events weeknights at 11:30 p.m. for a half-hour beginning in January, the report says. It will be produced by Jon Stewart’s Busboy Productions. Colbert leaves at the end of the year to replace David Letterman as host of Late Show.
For years, Wilmore, 52, has played a major role in Hollywood, serving as an Emmy Award-winning writer and producer for shows, including The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, In Living Color and The Jamie Foxx Show, the report says. He also co-created the animated series The PJs and The Bernie Mac Show.
“I’m beyond excited to have this chance to continue my relationships with Comedy Central and the brilliant Jon Stewart,” Wilmore said, according to the Times. “I love the city of New York and promise to only wear my Laker T-shirts when I’m layering.”
Read more at the Los Angeles Times.