Everyone can stop worrying about how the Democrats are going to defeat President Donald Trump with only one dragon and a beaten army; the Congressional Black Caucus, also known as the Unsullied, has it all figured out: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as a “dream ticket.”
In a scenario no one asked for, the CBC thinks Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) would ideal for a supporting role to a white man with questionable comments on race and an empty apology to Anita Hill for his role in browbeating a sexual harassment victim.
Politico spoke with a dozen CBC members and noted that the group of black lawmakers is divided on whether to back the two black candidates running for office—Sens. Harris and Cory Booker—or the racially complicated Biden, who already has eight years’ experience as a vice president so he basically already knows how to do nothing.
The reality is that Biden is polling well among black folks who believe that his proximity to former president, and the best president to wear a pair of Stacy Adams in the Oval Office, Barack Obama, is like having a piece of Wakanda back in the White House. So somehow, they’ve decided that putting the black woman underneath the white man would be the best way to defeat President Cersei Lannister.
“That would be a dream ticket for me, a dream ticket!” said Rep. Lacy Clay (D-Mo.) told Politico. “If she is not the nominee, that would be a dream ticket for this country.”
From Politico:
Harris is everything the 76-year-old Biden is not. The freshman senator from California is younger, a woman and a person of color. As Biden gets dinged for his bipartisan bromides, Harris is winning applause from progressives for her merciless cross-examination of Trump officials.
Democrats are also desperate to boost black turnout in 2020, blaming the drop-off from Barack Obama’s wins as one reason for Hillary Clinton’s defeat.
“Either combination there, I’d love,” Rep. Anthony Brown (D-Md.) told Politico. “I think he’s going to look to balance his ticket so that the ticket itself is more appealing. ... I think it would make sense and it wouldn’t surprise me if he picked a woman of color.”
No one is ready to name Biden the winner of the Democratic candidacy yet and CBC folks aren’t counting Harris or Booker out; they just believe that if Biden wins the nod, he should go with Harris as his running mate.
“But for the fact that we have two of our own who are both quite capable of being president, I’d say probably a lot of the members would’ve already announced for Biden,” said Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.) told Politico.
Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-Ohio), a senior member of the caucus added: “If [Biden] becomes the nominee, that certainly would be my choice. Right now, I’m still believing that Harris can be the top of the ticket.
“It would absolutely be a very strong ticket, no question about that,” Fudge added. “1 and 2, 2 and 1. Either way, it would be great.”
House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.), the highest-ranking African American in Congress, can’t hide his affection for his friend Biden, although he wouldn’t throw his endorsement behind him unless he wins the primary.
“I said a few weeks ago that if [Biden] were to get in, everybody else would be running for second place. I said that over a month ago. And he got in, and the polls said everyone else is running for second place,” Clyburn said in an interview.
Surprising no one, Biden, Obama’s BFF, is polling well among black Democratic primary voters.
“The data are clear that he has strong support among African Americans,” Clyburn said. “It’s just that simple. He’s had that for a long, long time, and he’s kept it steady so far.”
Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) said that Biden’s relationship with Obama is important and something that the former vice president should play up while campaigning.
“I don’t think people should underestimate the significance of this older white guy playing the role of second, a supportive second, to a younger man who is African American,” Cummings told Politico. “And people felt this was real and authentic, [Biden] wasn’t faking it. There was a real friendship there.”
Cleaver added that Biden is a hip white guy who can do the Electric Slide and knows exactly what kind cheese to order on his Philly cheesesteak.
“Biden is very comfortable in African-American circles. Sometimes a white politician in an all-black setting, you can feel the seed of nervousness,” Cleaver said. “With Biden, he’s just right at home. You can see it and feel it.”
Biden is becoming the Jon Snow of Westeros and appears to have the full support of a ball-less group of black warriors who have already put Snow in charge of the Iron Throne
And yes, you are going to get these Game of Thrones references after that bullshit-ass episode we all just watched.