The Catch Up: What You Missed This Week In Memes And More

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The Root understands that you may be busy during the week and that the latest on social media may not be a priority. Or maybe you just want to relive the funniest memes and trending topics of the week. We've got you covered as we relive a week of Internet hilarity. The week began with reaction to a misinformed Variety article about “How Elvis invented rock ’n’ roll 60 years ago.” The publication felt the wrath of Black Twitter.

1. Black Twitter explains other things white people invented

Justin Timberlake teaching Michael Jackson how to moon walk, for example. And you can't forget what Marvin Gaye can learn from Robin Thicke.

2. Lil’ Mo vs. Prince

After Prince took over the Mercedes-Benz Superdome at the Essence Music Festival, Lil’ Mo couldn’t get into the bathroom to pee. Lil’ Mo’s Instagram jokes were no match for the royal purple shade Prince had in store.


3. #HuskyTwitter

The hashtag #HuskyTwitter took over everyone’s timelines because of Prince Fielder’s nude cover on ESPN magazine. The Texas Ranger won a bit more than a few new fans, according to someone who made this meme depicting Fielder spinning the “Price Is Right” wheel.


4. Robin Thicke’s latest album sells horribly 

Twitter predicted that Robin Thicke’s album Paula—dedicated to his estranged wife, Paula Patton—would go triple floppy disk. The album only sold 530 copies in United Kingdom in its first week, according to Billboard.


5. LeBron James memes broke the Internet

King James finally announced his decision. Cleveland fans hold on, he’s coming home.


6. Germany beats Brazil 7-1 at the World Cup 

Tim Howard was unable to save Brazil during the game, but he conveniently arrived afterward to comfort the players, according to this meme.


Taryn Finley is a summer intern at The Root. Follow her on Twitter.