That BuzzFeed Video Is What Happens When Some Black People Suffer From ‘Black Snowflake Syndrome’

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The Internet is ablaze with critiques of BuzzFeed’s “27 Questions Black People Have for Black People,” and rightly so. It was neither satirical nor humorous. Nor was it witty or insightful. Many people couldn’t figure out who the video was made for. Maybe a better title or video would have been “27 Questions White People Have for Black People but Were Afraid to Ask Them Because They Might Get Beat Down, so We’ll Have Black People Ask Them Instead.” Sure, it’s a long title, but I’m quite sure the response would have been positive. That’s sarcasm.

What I did realize is that, in all seriousness, the black people in that video are the types of black people who think they’re special because they’re not like the “others.” And more than likely they were told this by someone white.

“Oh, you talk so well for a black person,” said their white friend throughout their life.

“Oh, you like heavy metal music. I didn’t know black people like heavy metal,” said the black woman’s first white boyfriend.


“Can I touch your hair?” asked the white girl with the black BFF.

The people in the video suffer from what I like to refer to as “black snowflake syndrome.” You know how no two snowflakes are alike? These people have been under the white gaze for so long, they think they’re just that special and set themselves apart from other black people.


Guess what? You’re not the first black person not to like NeNe Leakes from Real Housewives of Atlanta. Or any of the other things that you think set you apart from the other black people out there.


Do you want a Scooby Snack for not saying the n-word?

Would you like a gold star for recognizing that colorism still exists in our society? But no, I’m not giving you a gold star for that. I’d give you one if you knew that it existed because of racism.


Black people who suffer from black snowflake syndrome want to point a finger at other black people, when it should be pointed at the bigger picture.

Also, were people not taught by their elders that certain things aren’t open for discussion in mixed company? There’s that white gaze again. Those people in that video were so eager to please, they failed to realize that they’re only pleasing their predominantly white audience while reinforcing the stereotypes they have of black people.


To those who suffer from black snowflake syndrome, let me let you in on a little secret: You’re neither special nor unique. What you really are is a disappointment to people who spend their days fighting those same stereotypes you were so eager to point out for the white gaze.