#ThanksgivingWithBlackFamilies Is the Most Wonderful Time of the Year on Social Media

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Every year on social media, there’s one hashtag you can count on to bring joy and laughter. #ThanksgivingWithBlackFamilies is the absolute truth when it comes to the struggles of celebrating the holiday. And this year is no exception.

On Tuesday, Michael Harriot gave everyone a step-by-step guide to a black family Thanksgiving, and some of these tweets ring quite true with the hilarity he discussed:

Yes, waiting to eat at a black Thanksgiving will give you hunger pangs. This is why I always suggest carrying a little snack in your purse. But don’t you dare try to nibble on it in front of your grandmother, because you’ll definitely be the last to get a plate.


This is typically my younger sister and I, since I really don’t have a favorite cousin. And when we go in, we go in.


When I was about 5 years old, I got my first sniff of chitlins, and till this day, I cannot understand why anyone chooses to eat a pig’s shit chute. But more power to y’all and godspeed.


You couldn’t survive a Callahan Thanksgiving (or day in general) without being prepared to roast or get roasted. It’s like a hazing that reaches its pinnacle on Thanksgiving. There will be laughter. There will be tears. Come prepared.


Yeah, we all want to eat. But no one wants to clean. I remember my poor grandmother hovering over the kitchen sink, just shortly after being roasted. Of course no one wants to wash dishes. My solution? Don’t lose the roast.


I’ve blocked 85 percent of family members from social media. Moving right along.


Yeah, I don’t know this life. I don’t care who you are; you can catch a fade with the quickness.


We all have that vegan family member who just discovered veganism last week. While they’re eating their tofukery and hamhockless greens, all that means is more meat for everyone else!


I am that person who pops up after not being heard from all year. But hey, I have a good excuse: I don’t like most of them.

So while you’re gorging yourself on chitlins and turkey and judging each and every family member on Thanksgiving, just browse the hashtag and get a laugh or two.