Texas is prepared to execute 33-year-old Ray Jasper on Wednesday at 6 p.m. CDT for killing a music-studio owner in 1998, Reuters reports.
Jasper was convicted of slitting David Alejandro’s throat before stabbing him to death in San Antonio so that he could rob the owner of his studio equipment. Alejandro offered his space to musicians for professional recording for a fee, Reuters notes.
According to the news site, Jasper and two friends recorded at the studio for two hours before attacking the owner.
"Jasper slashed Alejandro's throat from ear to ear, but did not kill him," the Texas attorney general's office said, according to Reuters. Jasper then repeatedly stabbed him until he was dead, before stealing equipment valued between $10,000 to $30,000.
However, Jasper is claiming that one of his friends killed Alejandro, not him.
"Under the Texas law of parties, they say it doesn't matter whether I killed the victim or not; I'm criminally responsible for someone else's conduct," he wrote to Gawker in February in a letter that went viral, Reuters notes.
His accomplices, however, were sentenced to life in prison.
Read more at Reuters.