Despite his superhuman exterior, Terry Crews faces trials and tribulations like the rest of us. The sexual assault he suffered at the hands of William Morris Endeavor executive Adam Venit is well-documented, and throughout the years, he’s made no secret about his battles with porn addiction.
On Sunday, during the latest episode of Bravo’s Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen, the 50-year-old actor detailed the havoc that this addiction wreaked on his marriage and how he was able to persevere and overcome the hold it had on his life.
When asked at what point during his 30-year marriage did he realize he had a problem, the America’s Got Talent star was candid.
“When my wife walked out. She was like, ‘I’m done with you.’” It was something that the porn use led to me being unfaithful years earlier,” he recalled. “And what happened was, after years of hiding and not saying anything, she confronted me. She was like, ‘What is it I don’t know about you, Terry Crews?’”
He goes on to explain how he came clean in order to properly address his struggles, only to cast blame and push his wife away.
“She was like, ‘That’s it. I’m out,’” he told Cohen. “And I was like, ‘Then go! Bye!’ And you know what happened? I was literally thinking, ‘My God. You know what? It’s her. It’s her fault.’ But you know what I realized? It was me.”
He then explained how he eventually admitted himself into rehab in order to “break this addiction” and that it was a “stronghold” that taught him that he had “learned a lot of wrong things,” before revealing that he and his wife are now better than ever.
“We’re back together. We’re super strong,” he said. “You can’t keep secrets in a relationship.”
Crews came under fire in March for his heteronormative comments on same-sex couples raising children, but has since attempted to bounce back by attempting to clarify those statements and landing a gig as the new host of the popular NBC series America’s Got Talent.
Addictions of any nature are no joke, so congrats to Crews for conquering his demons.