Federal prosecutors arrested two individuals accused of trying to recruit white nationalist terrorists through a social media platform. When you find out what they were allegedly scheming, you’ll be disgusted.
Monday, an indictment filed in the Eastern District of California was unsealed, revealing a list of charges against 37-year-old Matthew Allison and 34-year-old Dallas Humber. Each of them were slammed with fifteen crimes including hate crimes and plotting the murder of federal officials. The indictment says the two had been leading an initiative called the “Terrorgram Collective” on messaging app Telegram for the past two years instructing followers internationally to commit acts of racist violence.
The Department of Justice claims Allison and Humber published a hit list inside the platform of people they wanted dead because of their racial, religious or sexual identity. These people included federal judges, U.S. state’s attorneys and other public officials described to be anti-white or anti-gun. What was even more frightening is that each person was given a description with their photo and even home addresses, per the DOJ.
Federal officials said followers were promised a “path to sainthood” for assassinating any of the proposed targets. Allison and Humber were accused of instigating group followers to commit acts of violence with encouraging slogans like “Take Action Now” and “Do Your Part.” Officials also said the two offered instructions on how to make bombs, chemical weapons and other dangerous materials for attacks.
Federal officials said the collective was motivated by their belief that society was so corrupt, political action couldn’t save it, but a race war to “accelerate the collapse of the government” and the rise of white supremacy could do it. According to the DOJ, a few Terrorgram followers took these messages seriously.
Read more from The Washington Post:
According to authorities, in October 2022, a 19-year-old from Slovakia killed two people at an LGBT bar and then killed himself. The attacker’s manifesto thanked Terrogram for inspiring him. The Slovakian, authorities said, had contact with Allison and Humber in the year leading up to the attack, and about three months before the killings Humber told the attacker in a group chat that she would narrate the attacker’s books if the person murdered people in the name of Terrorgram.
In August, a teenager from Turkey live-streamed himself stabbing five people outside a mosque after he had posted on Terrorgram that morning to “Come see how much humans I can cleanse.”
In July, according to the indictment, an 18-year-old in the United States who was active in Terrorgram chats was arrested and accused of plotting an attack on an energy facility in New Jersey. Humber allegedly posted in a Terrorgram group chat later that the person arrested “was 100% our guy.”
In a Senate Judiciary Committee meeting in 2022, The Department of Homeland Security warned that extremist racist ideology is often bred on social media, per PBS. We have the track record to prove it considering the shooters behind the Buffalo supermarket massacre, the Jacksonville Dollar General massacre and the Charleston AME church massacre - each of which were born from extremist hate-filled ideals nutured on the internet.