The deplorables apparently know no bounds, and an employee with the Obion County, Tenn., Highway Department—who says that he has regularly been the victim of racism in his workplace—now has solid, written proof in the form of an “owner’s manual.”
Deandre Adams sent over the four-page document, titled “The Nigger Owner’s Manual,” to his attorney Kathy Laughter Laizure, WREG-TV reports.
“I was shaken when I saw that. I think that we who are not of color sometimes sit in our happy places and want to believe that this kind of thing doesn’t go on anymore,” Laughter Laizure said. “I’ve never seen anything like this.”
Adams has worked for the Highway Department for seven years, but this is not the first time he has experienced such outright racism.
“A guy who was a foreman at the place one day fashioned a noose and waved it at Mr. Adams. He had a comment to the effect of, ‘Ain’t this a part of your heritage?’” Laughter Laizure said.
In this particular situation with the manual, Adams said that he discovered it about two weeks ago when he was going through a file cabinet he uses regularly. The manual included instructions on how to install, configure, house and even kill “your nigger.”
The document also had headlines such as, “Will My Nigger Attack Me?” and “My Nigger Keeps Raping White Women.”
Adams complained to his supervisor, who told him not to say anything and promised, “We will take care of it.”
But Adams feels as if nothing has been done ... which is not surprising. It’s always a red flag when someone asks you to keep quiet about such gross behavior.
The department declined to offer WREG comment, but Steve Conley, an attorney for the department, told the news station that he is looking into the allegations and has asked Adams for the original copy, which he has not received.
“It’s horrible what I just read,” Conley told the news station, adding that whoever was behind the document would face discipline.
The attorney said that he intends to get the police involved and hopes to maybe even run fingerprints once he gets the original documents.