‘Teleprompter Trump’ Calls for Unity a Day After ‘Rally Trump’ Spit Hot Hatred

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In the continued push to prove that the president of White Walkers was once a compassionate human person, Donald Trump gave another speech less than 24 hours after his wildly ridiculous retelling of events in which he compared white supremacist terrorists in Charlottesville, Va., to those who were fighting against them in a call for national healing, which is completely confusing, since he and his administration are the ones aggravating the divide.

“It is time to heal the wounds that have divided us, and to seek a new unity based on the common values that unite us,” Trump told the National Convention of the American Legion in Reno, Nev., on Wednesday, according to CNN. “We are one people, with one home, and one flag.”

The troubling part about this administration is that it’s as if they suffer from collective short-term memory loss and believe that because they can’t remember, we can’t, either. The president of hatred and Florida can’t just walk onstage and create a narrative to fit his agenda and then, when the people call him on his behavior, ask for healing.


While I tend to try to make fun of this abysmal administration and the handbasket that they’ve packed America in, I must admit that the two sides of Trump—the unhinged “rally Trump” who speaks the hatred from his heart and this assured “teleprompter Trump” who does his best to act like an adult—are beyond troubling.


During his rally Tuesday in Arizona and during his tenure as president, Trump has created a climate in which those who don’t blindly agree with his politics are immediately his enemies. He also uses social media and his rally pulpit to bully those who dare cross his path, and condemns the media and the stories they tell as fake even though most of those stories have been proved true. And then, not even a day later, Trump, as if being urged by someone with a conscience in his Cabinet (who this person is, I’m not sure, but I’m assuming that someone else is demanding this happen), he calls for unity.


Trump turned to the military and veterans as an example of the kind of national pride he hopes to inspire, except that he was the same man who shit all over Sen. John McCain’s (R-Ariz.) service to this country. But let’s just forget that because he’s uniting today.

“We are here to hold you up as an example of the strength, courage and love that our country will need to overcome every challenge that we face. We are here to draw inspiration from you as we seek to renew the bonds of loyalty that bind us together as one people and one nation,” Trump said, according to CNN.


He continued, “If American patriots could secure our independence, carve out a home in the wilderness, and free millions from tyranny and oppression around the world, that same sense of patriotism, courage, and resolve can help us create a better future for our people today.”

The president then signed the Veterans Appeal Act into law—a bill that will allow veterans to get timely decisions on disability claims.


But don’t get too excited, since it’s only Wednesday, and the president has at least two more days to put his foot firmly in his own mouth and say some really hate-filled shit that comes from his heart.

Read more at CNN.