Note to educators: This is not how to get on your students' good side during Teacher Appreciation Week.
On a serious note, the claims of George and Latonia Spencer, who say that their 10-year-old son was caught doodling on his desk and directed to lick the marks until he gagged, raise real concerns about how students at his Troy, N.Y., school were treated in the name of discipline. If the allegations are true, we're certain this isn't the first time the accused teacher has used his or her authority to make poor, dangerous and/or disgusting choices to punish student behavior.
Meanwhile, the school district, in a statement to News Center, wouldn't address the specific allegations.
The [Spencers] say they were successful in having their son placed in another classroom. But the former teacher made things worse, they say, by telling their son's friends to not talk to him, further alienating their son from his peers.
George Spencer, who is an educator himself, and his wife say the apparent incident happened in February. They tell the NEWS CENTER they are coming forward now because they feel the district has done little about it.
They say the teacher was never reprimanded or suspended, and never offered an apology.
The NEWS CENTER has placed calls with the Troy School District and Dr. Brian Howard, Interim Superintendent of Schools, responded with the following statement:
"When a complaint from a parent is received the matter is investigated. Once the facts are known, appropriate steps are taken. If the facts show a complaint is unfounded the parent is informed. If the facts show a complaint is accurate or partially accurate, corrective measures are taken and the parent is informed.
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