Howard University, aka “The Mecca,” has been known to produce greatness, and one of those products is none other than Taraji P. Henson. The multi-hyphenated talent is adding another notch to her belt with her new haircare line, TPH by Taraji. “I want to be the Fenty of hair,” Henson joked at her “Hair Dare University” event in New York City. “As far back as I can remember, I was always in love with hair,” Henson told The Root. In the ninth grade, she taught herself how to do hair and to this day, she says she has “worn every type of hair and wanted to create a line that serviced everyone.” You’ll be happy to know that the line won’t break your bank! Your favorite tough Cookie’s products will be available at Target. I know that a lot of your love languages consist of taking whimsical strolls through the aisles of your local Tar-jay, so you may as well peruse the haircare section and check out these products that range from $9.99 to $14.99. I’ve often joked that Henson is the favorite auntie that you get excited to see during the holidays because you know a good time is sure to follow. Fittingly, she has brought that fun, playful nature to her colorful, eye-catching haircare line.