The Simpsons, television's longest-running American sitcom and the longest-running American animated program, will air its first hourlong special Sunday, and it's bringing in some heavy hitters. Sunday's episode, titled "The Great Phatsby,” will feature Taraji P. Henson, RZA, Snoop Dogg, Common and Keegan-Michael Key.
In the episode, Mr. Burns (Harry Shearer) tries to relive his glory days and crosses paths with a mysterious music mogul. After being conned by him and reduced to bankruptcy, Burns seeks revenge on the music producer with the help of Homer, Bart, rapper Jazzy James (Keegan-Michael Key) and the mogul’s ex-wife, Praline (Taraji P. Henson), along with Snoop Dogg, Common and RZA (guest-voicing as themselves). Also in the episode, Lisa (Yeardley Smith) is courted by the richest kid in town, Smithers (Shearer) begins a perilous journey and Marge (Julie Kavner) opens an obscure boutique store.
The episode airs Sunday, Jan. 15 (8-9 p.m. ET/PT), on Fox.