Ahhh, it’s the most wonderful time of the year.
No, not Christmas. No, not Black Panther anniversary release date (what? I know I’m not the only one who still remembers that glorious occasion but I digress.)
It’s time to grab your latest Los Angeles Rams or Cincinnati Bengals jersey and head to the nearest couch (or airplane headed to LA) to gear up for the upcoming Super Bowl LVI.
If you’re anything like me though, you’re probably less excited for the game and more excited for yet another reason to veg out with all your favorite snacks while surrounded by your family and friends. You’re also probably more interested in the Halftime Show performances and commercials set to air during the game than the actual game itself.
If you found yourself nodding your head in agreement, then join me as we take a look back at some of the best of Blackity-black Super Bowl commercials from the last 5 years. From Morgan Freeman to Cardi B., the commercials of the past have been pretty promising. Here’s hoping that this year’s will continue in the same pattern.