Ahmaud Arbery was shot and killed after he was stalked and approached by two armed men suspicious of his presence in…
The “clip of a person killed while doing a thing while black” phenomenon is such a part of our national zeitgeist…
A 53-year-old man who was helping to plan armed protests against social distancing in Colorado is facing federal…
I was 37. I wish I could say this realization came sooner. That’s an embarrassingly late age. But I also used to…
In an effort to demonstrate how much they want to “reopen the economy” (or perhaps how badly they hate social…
Nursing homes around the country are struggling as they house one of the most vulnerable groups when it comes to…
Whether its crowding beaches, prioritizing “freedom over health” or, in this case, just being truly vile human…
It’s crucial to remember, when attempting to place both the Trump presidency and the devotion he still receives…
It must really hurt to be a white person.
White nationalists have stayed taking L’s this week. I can’t lie folks, I love to see it.
For as much as they like to bitch and moan about the crime and violence brought to this country by immigrants, you…
In recent years, white nationalists have repeatedly been called one of the biggest threats to domestic life. In…
Hiram R. Revels became the first African-American senator in America in 1870. Also that year, Jonathan Wright, in…
“Save Your Race Join the Base”
Y’all, I simply love reporting on the failures of white supremacists. It’s probably a top 3 favorite thing for me…
White nationalists are dumb. I don’t think that’s a particularly controversial statement. If you’re going to lie…
Distribution of white supremacist materials—from pamphlets to signage to bulletins—spiked by more than 120 percent…
Last spring, over the course of 10 days, three black churches in Louisiana were burned down. It was a heinous act…
It’s crazy, y’all. I feel like four years ago we warned that if ol’ boy got elected it would embolden the worst of…
The “Unite the Right” rally was one of the darkest moments in our countries recent history. The white nationalist…