ATLANTA—When members of Congress heard stories about Georgia’s historic vote-stealing, the details sounded so…
Voter suppression in Georgia was one of the most discussed issues during the 2018 midterm elections. Front and…
Democrats have proposed H.R. 1, a bill that would make our democracy more equitable, improved access for vulnerable…
Remember that time when Brian Kemp, while serving as Georgia’s secretary of state, oversaw the same 2018…
In a win for Florida Democrats, Bill Nelson, the rule of law and common sense, a federal court cited the…
JACKSONVILLE, Fla.—Marissa Alexander knows politics. No political race—judgeship, state representative, national—nor…
The Democratic Party is a white party.
As the end of Barack Obama’s presidency grew closer, election officials began preparing for the next election.…
In a 5-4 decision along partisan lines, the Supreme Court ruled on Monday that Ohio’s voter-suppression campaign was…
Despite a last-ditch effort to overturn a recent bill restoring voting rights to ex-felons in Louisiana, legislators…
The Rev. Kenneth Glasgow, 52, national president and founder of the Ordinary People Society, or TOPS, and a renowned…
Voting and immigration-rights advocates are alarmed over Donald Trump’s leading pick to head the U.S. Census Bureau:…
If you noticed a change in the climate at the polls, specifically in the atmospheric pressure due to moisture in the…
Fifty-three years ago today, James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner were murdered in Mississippi, where…
“May I speak with Corbin, please?’ I said in my best “Not your neighborhood” smile.
In a move that’s sure to get people’s underwear in a bunch among those who are already against granting people the…
“Yoooo, have you heard of this dude named Bill Brennan?!” My friend intentionally does not use exclamation points as…
Remember John Lewis?
Perhaps the worst thing about America’s mistreatment of black people in this country has nothing to do with the…