Republican attempts to suppress the voting rights of anyone who may be against them have become more and more…
Because it’s 2020 and racism is still alive and well, we have North Carolina, whose new voter identification law…
Look, I’m sure at this point in the game you don’t need me to tell you that Stacey Abrams is nothing short of a…
Faith in the American voting process has grown shaky in recent years. With GOP-led states trying their damnedest to…
If there are two things the modern Republican party loves, it’s voter suppression and racism. Yes, yes I know the…
In November 2018, Florida voters moved to restore voting rights to 1.4 million convicted felons following their…
A Wisconsin judge ordered the state’s Elections Commission to strike more than 200,000 voters from its rolls after…
The morning after suffering a miscarriage in July, Lanisha Bratcher came face-to-face with yet another cruel reality…
Fresh into his new job as governor of Kentucky, Democrat Andy Beshear signed an executive order Thursday to restore…
Crystal Mason never intended to become an activist. But after being sentenced to five years in prison for…
We get it. Stacey Abrams would be great at running literally anything: your district, the state of Georgia, your…
On the last day of its term, the nation’s highest court churned out two major rulings: One concerning the U.S.…
It’s being called a modern-day poll tax, and for good reason.
It was a case so unfair, it quickly became a go-to talking point to illuminate the criminal justice system’s deep…
Yes, former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams says she is still mulling over a run for the White House…
Last week, Florida’s House set things in motion with regard to mandating felons meet certain “financial obligations”…
We still don’t know exactly what Stacey Abrams has in mind for future office, but we can at least rule one…
In November, people in the state of Florida voted “yes” on Amendment 4—an initiative that would restore voting…
Saying there is a need for a “new Voting Rights Act,” U.S. Sen. Cory Booker promised a number of voting reforms if…
Remember in November when Floridans took to the polls, channelled Spike Lee, and Did the Right Thing by voting “yes”…