In a televised speech from the Oval Office on Wednesday, President Trump continued his “I don’t give a shit about…
The Trump administration announced Friday that it is adding six new countries to the existing travel ban, joining the…
Tonight I bring to you yet another example of the current administration being nothing but a group of white…
Thirty-thousand is a lot of damn people.
I am an American Muslim, and like thousands of American-Muslim families, my family has been in America for over 10…
Wyoming police officers arrested a man on charges of public intoxication who tried to explain to them that he needed…
On Monday the Supreme Court announced that it would hear President Donald Trump’s revised travel ban and decide…
A retired police chief was detained and questioned by U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers at New York City’s…
The “Free State” of Maryland on Friday became the fifth state to join a legal challenge seeking to block the Trump…
The states of Hawaii and Oregon joined Washington and Minnesota on Thursday in their legal challenge against…
Because President Vladimir TrumPutin won’t let it just die, he has signed a revised executive order that will ban…
Muhammad Ali Jr., son of the boxing great who made news last week after it was reported that he and his mother had…
A U.S. federal appeals court decided unanimously Thursday to uphold the temporary suspension of President Donald…
Updated Sunday, Feb. 4, 2017, 10:30 a.m. EST: Governmental policy now moves with the speed of a Williams-sisters…
The American people appear to be signaling that they will not be divided or sit quietly as President Donald Trump’s…