(The Root) — As the afternoon dissolved into evening on Election Day, voters streamed through the doors of Caledonia…
(The Root) — On this Election Day, The Root caught up with voters in the "black mecca" — Harlem, USA.
(The Root) — Neither gloom nor cold nor waits around 90 minutes deterred prospective voters at the Cuyahoga County…
(The Root) — Wu-Tang Clan's leader and primary beat-maker, RZA, is no stranger to kung fu flicks and ancient Eastern…
The Root caught up with a who's who of celebs at this year's BET Black Girls Rock! event at the Paradise Theater in…
(The Root) — For an episode of This Week in Blackness, Elon James White caught up with Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) last…
(The Root) — The Democratic National Convention is partly a massive get-out-the-vote effort for President Barack…
Last night Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick told the Democratic National Convention delegates, "We Democrats owe…
(The Root) — During the Republican National Convention last week in Tampa, Fla., The Root's Keli Goff caught up with…
(The Root) — Thursday at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla., The Root's Keli Goff caught up with…
On Thursday, Aug. 3, The Root's political correspondent Keli Goff caught up with Florida's lieutenant governor,…
(The Root) — Just before GOP vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan took the stage at the Republican National…
(The Root) — The eighth annual Afro-Punk Festival — headlined by Erykah Badu, Janelle Monáe and Gym Class Heroes —…
On Aug. 22 in New York City, The Root brought together author and advice columnist Demetria L. Lucas, contributing…
(The Root) — Is there a link between perpetually high unemployment rates in many inner-city communities and the…
(The Root) — The Root is a proud sponsor of this year's Harlem Fine Arts Show, being held in the historic Oak Bluffs…
(The Root) — With a soothing baritone that sounds more like an R&B singer than a news anchor, it's rather…
(The Root) — Clifford "T.I." Harris' new reality show is a scripted drama on Starz. Harris, best known as one of the…
(The Root) — TV One's R&B Divas won't exactly make you cringe as do some other reality shows do, but it probably…