Fellow black folks, our collective outrage is clearly proving very lucrative because trolls keep trolling, and…
What could be more offensive than a group of women with ridiculously big tits and reality-defying waists parading…
It’s going to make your eyes water. It’s going to stink. You’re going to get the bubble guts when it happens. Like…
This week, racism reared its ugly head the same way it’s been doing since Donald Trump became president. In New York…
On Thursday, the British blowhard with a face that looks like a half-filled Hefty bag, Piers Morgan, wrote a piece…
A metro-Detroit business owner is catching some serious heat for a racist Facebook post in which he used the n-word…
When I asked a few of our readers to come in to The Root’s offices and share their personal experiences of being…
Do you still say nigga? I do.
When will these white folks learn that being black adjacent doesn’t mean they can say any form of the n-word or even…
With lyrics like, “Fuck the police coming straight from the underground, a young brother got it bad cuz I’m brown,”…
In her latest MTV Decoded video, Franchesca Ramsey, writer, actress and video blogger, gives a succinct and critical…