The actress and director continues to bravely stand in her truth.
This letter comes in the aftermath of the infamous Drake lyric from his recently released Her Loss album that…
The Root spoke exclusively to Reid and Cross about their special, The Culture Is: Black Women premiering Sunday,…
As last-minute gifts go, there are few more thoughtful or budget-friendly than a book—and we've got the best reads…
"Crocodile tears" were shed by Ashley Judd in the wake of 'Time's Up' firings
The founder and leader of the Me Too movement retraces her steps in a deeply vulnerable and moving memoir under…
On the advent of this year's second annual virtual conference, President Joe Biden offers his remarks and…
This year we convened some of the Black community's brightest minds to help set the agenda for Black America's future
The Root presents, The Root Institute 2021, in partnership with Target.
After over a year of isolation, largely indoor living and ever-blurring boundaries between home and work (what is…
Shame is a universal condition—no one is immune. In fact, it might be argued that shame is also one of the strongest…
What does it cost a culture to ignore or outright deny its most marginalized and abused? One need look no further…
As Black History Month segued into Women’s History Month this year, a new platform emerged, centered solely on the…
The 'me too' founder shares how her movement's original mission has found new life in joint partnership with Fatima…
My dearest and most inquisitive reader, ‘tis I, Lady Welpington of The Root, back with another roundup of Black…
Despite some (if uneven) progress with vaccinations, we still face a pandemic of pandemics: A deadly virus that…
Regardless of what James Brown said—this is, in fact, a woman’s world.
Almost as soon as “Me Too” became part of the mainstream lexicon when discussing sexual assault, harassment and…
In the three years since the Me Too movement entered mainstream discourse, much progress has been made—namely,…
They’re activists, artists, athletes, entertainers, entrepreneurs, leaders, and above all else, influencers. ‘Tis…