It’s happening! A gathering of the minds—from politics featuring Stacey Abrams and Ayanna Pressley to entertainment…
The Root Institute, a virtual convening around the future of Black America in 2020 and beyond, features some pretty…
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and now more than ever, it’s incredibly important to have mental health…
The Lyon King known as Lucious Lyon (Terrence Howard) is ending his reign much sooner than expected and even Lee…
*Movie Trailer Narrator Voice* In a world where content is plenty and bandwidth is rare, The Root has decided to…
Taraji P. Henson has embodied the baddest bitch of primetime television for about five years and now she’s ready to…
Howard University, aka “The Mecca,” has been known to produce greatness, and one of those products is none other…
Celebrity branding has come a long way in recent years. Though stars have been slapping their name on products for…
“Celebs—they’re just like us!” is a phrase we collectively toss around in jest, but every so often a celebrity…
The once and forever Dynasty of our time, Fox’s Empire has, with mixed results, explored mental illness since its…
Didn’t we almost have it all? When love was all we had worth giving? Those were the questions many were left asking…
Movies that are “so bad, they’re good” are one of life’s unsung treasures. And like anything, adding blackness to…
Maybe a Chicago mom thought she actually was the sometimes criminally inclined Cookie Lyon of TV’s Empire. But…
What Taraji P. Henson has been able to do with her first Boris L. Henson Foundation benefit and conference last…
Can we talk for a minute? And no, I’m not trying to know your name. I want to talk about mental health in the black…
On the day that her “Can We Talk” Mental Health Conference weekend (June 7-9) is set to kick off in Washington,…
Actress Taraji P. Henson announced that her Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation (BLHF) will hold a two-day summit “to…