You almost never hear a judge say “my bad,” but that is exactly what Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Don…
Curtis Flowers walked out of a Mississippi prison a free man for the first time in more than two decades. All it…
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), the human embodiment of a silent, funky-ass fart, thinks it’s pretty…
Hip hop mogul and entrepreneur Sean “Diddy” Combs released a statement Thursday in support of Entertainment Studios…
The Trump administration has spared no minority group its vitriol and hate, but transgender people have been…
If only our Supreme Court were this colorful...
The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday announced it would review an anti-abortion law out of Louisiana in a case being…
This is by far one of the strangest weeks in the history of The Root Presidential Black Power Rankings. We had a…
It was mid-August, and just weeks into her new job as acting president/CEO of the Planned Parenthood Federation of…
Apparently, as far as the Trump administration is concerned, employers have every right to fire transgender people.
By a 5-4 vote Friday night, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Donald Trump can co-opt funds meant for the military…
That didn’t last long. Just one day after the Trump administration said the 2020 census forms would be published…
Looks like Donald Trump blinked. The Justice Department announced Tuesday that there will be no citizenship question…
Now that the current Supreme Court term has come to an end with a number of major rulings, the nation’s highest…
Because (obvi) any Supreme Court justice handpicked for the job by GOP conservatives owes strict allegiance to the…
The Supreme Court sent Virginia Republicans back to the racist drawing board so they can come up with another plan…
Yale Law School professor and self-proclaimed “tiger mom” Amy Chua didn’t just publicly defend Justice Brett…
If you’re suing a person or company for racial discrimination, do you need to prove that race was the sole factor…
It was a ruling that failed to register widely in terms of national news, but could have potentially devastating…
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas slammed women who have abortions as heartless “eugenicists” in a 20-page…