We already know that Trump doesn’t know how any of this works. He literally doesn’t understand the workings of the…
In 2018, Florida voters made a momentous decision: restoring the right to vote for those convicted of a felony, so…
Trump started off his morning the way that he normally does, he woke to his favorite version of Kendrick Lamar’s Alri…
The Planned Parenthood Federation of America, the nation’s largest provider of sex education with more than 600…
On Tuesday, a federal court went against more than a decade of decisions in denying qualified immunity to a cop who…
It’s a widely accepted belief that the legal system will almost never hold police officers accountable for their…
Wisconsin Republicans, backed by the Supreme Court, gave voters an unenviable ultimatum: Go outside during a global…
It’s hard to remember in the midst of, well, literally everything happening in the world right now, but we are just…
President Trump is not a smart man.
Wisconsin voters face an impossible choice this Election Day: protect their health, or protect their voice at the…
In a major setback to entertainment mogul Byron Allen’s discrimination suit against Comcast, America’s highest court…
Sentencing children to life in prison with no possibility of release has long been a controversial aspect of the…
Standing outside the Supreme Court Monday morning, Massachusetts Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley drew attention to her…
Y’all. It’s been 10 years since the Affordable Care Act was enacted. Ten years of Americans getting insurance and…
This week, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in a crucial case that could decide the future of abortion…
The Supreme Court as shaped by Donald Trump has proven itself to be highly partisan. Even in issues that don’t…
Attacks on LGBTQ adoptions feel like they’ve been steadily increasing. It seems like things will come to a head…
Supreme Court Justice and unofficial mime Clarence Thomas is trash.
Should Trump be removed or voted out of office this year, the insidious effects of his Presidency will long be felt…
Whatever is next for Curtis Flowers, the man responsible for keeping him in prison for more than two decades will…