Three years ago, the Supreme Court handed down a crushing ruling in the landmark case Shelby v. Holder (pdf). For…
On Thursday the Supreme Court upheld the University of Texas’ affirmative action policies and shot down claims by…
Half-empty bottle of backwashed room temperature Aquafina Abigail Fisher finally (!) lost her years-long bid to have…
In a surprising 5-3 ruling Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court decided that evidence obtained in an illegal search is…
The Supreme Court of the United States ruled in favor of a black death row inmate Monday, declaring that prosecutors…
I forgot exactly what led to it. Maybe I was told to go to bed a bit earlier than I wanted to. Maybe I wasn't…
February is the month designated to be Black History Month. It is also the shortest month of the calendar year. This…
I am pretty big Harry Potter fan.