“I really believe that we’ve reached a point in this country where African American women need to be rewarded for…
Look, I’m sure at this point in the game you don’t need me to tell you that Stacey Abrams is nothing short of a…
For many news cycles now, Stacey Abrams has told us one thing: No, I don’t want the presidency, not now. But that…
The NAACP, in a lawsuit filed against the U.S. Census Bureau last Friday, is alleging the federal government is…
Recently, my brethren here at The Root made a healthy argument for how white women have spent the decade between…
Last night was beautiful. Yet another gala for The Root 100 in the books. I’m honestly still recovering, as is most…
Will some of that old black magic work this time around?
In 2018, Stacey Abrams ran for governor of Georgia as the first black woman to be nominated by a major party.…
The yummy, sweet brown center of the transformative, celebratory and “let’s get free”-filled reproductive justice…
Crystal Mason never intended to become an activist. But after being sentenced to five years in prison for…
This is it—the last preview before we reveal the full list and who is No. 1 for the 10th anniversary of The Root 100!
We get it. Stacey Abrams would be great at running literally anything: your district, the state of Georgia, your…
“Smart white people know how to hire black people who actually KNOW black people.”
To this day it’s unclear if Stacey Abrams legitimately lost her bid to become the first black female governor of…
Do you know what a henchman is? They’re faceless, nameless, losers who do the dirty work for the villain in movies…
Tami Sawyer’s run for mayor of Memphis, Tn. almost didn’t happen. The issue? Self-doubt.
Former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams is just as outraged as many about Georgia’s decision to…
Yes, former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams says she is still mulling over a run for the White House…
With a stroke of a pen Tuesday, Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp basically outlawed abortions in his state, signing into law…