NewsNewsThe Boston City Council Is Looking into Reparations for Black BostoniansAlthough a check would have been better, the Boston City Council has officially voted to study reparation…ByJessica WashingtonPublishedDecember 16, 2022
EntertainmentMoviesEntertainmentMoviesEmancipation Producer Apologizes After Bringing Photo of 'Whipped Peter' to Movie PremiereStarring Will Smith, the film is inspired by Peter's real-life journey from slavery into freedom and is set to…ByShanelle GenaiPublishedDecember 5, 2022
NewsRace MattersNewsRace MattersProvidence R.I.'s Reparation Money Might Potentially Go to White PeopleAside from automatically going to Black and Native American citizens, an income requirement could benefit half of…ByMurjani RawlsPublishedNovember 30, 2022
NewsNewsKing Charles: Britain Should Be Honest About The Country's Slave Trade RoleHe met with artists in Leeds who participated in the Worlds Re-imagined Globes project, which discusses slavery.ByCandace McDuffiePublishedNovember 10, 2022
EntertainmentMoviesEntertainmentMoviesWill Smith’s ‘Emancipation,’ His First Major Film Since Oscar Slap, Receives Surprising ReceptionThe first screenings for the forthcoming feature were held over the weekend in Washington D.C.ByShanelle GenaiPublishedOctober 3, 2022
CultureHistoryCultureHistoryViola Davis Told Y’all The Woman King Isn’t a History Lesson. So, Here are Some FactsThe movie gave us a peek into Dahomey's slave trade, but this is the story behind how it started.ByAmira CastillaPublishedSeptember 28, 2022
NewsNewsBritain's University Of Cambridge Said It Has Benefitted From Slave Trade Amid Colonialism BacklashThe passing of Queen Elizabeth II blew the conversation about the country's history wide open.ByCandace McDuffiePublishedSeptember 23, 2022
PoliticsPoliticsWhat Year Is It? Five States have Slavery on the BallotIn 2022, we must vote on abolishing slavery...again.ByKalyn WomackPublishedSeptember 21, 2022
EntertainmentMoviesEntertainmentMoviesDijmon Hounsou Kicks Off New Initiative to Help Descendants of Africa Trace Back Their Roots“If you don’t know where you come from, you sure don’t know who you are.”ByAlexandra JanePublishedSeptember 18, 2022
NewsRace MattersNewsRace MattersRhode Island Mayor Seeking $10 Million In Reparations For Black And Indigenous CommunitiesThe money will go to those facing eviction and displaced by urban renewal.ByCandace McDuffiePublishedAugust 26, 2022
NewsEducationNewsEducationTexas Educators Propose Slavery Be Taught As 'Involuntary Relocation'The proposal sent to the Texas State Board of Education will have a final vote this NovemberByMurjani RawlsPublishedJuly 1, 2022
NewsRace MattersNewsRace MattersMassachusetts Supreme Court Says Woman Can Sue Harvard for Use of Images of Her Enslaved AncestorsIn a June 23 ruling, the Massachusetts Supreme Court says Tamara Lanier can sue Harvard for emotional distress.ByAngela JohnsonPublishedJune 27, 2022
CultureHistoryCultureHistoryHidden in Plain Site is a Virtual tour of Richmond's Black pastHidden in Plain Site shows viewers some of the important, but often overlooked sites that were significant to the…ByAngela JohnsonPublishedJune 23, 2022
NewsRace MattersNewsRace MattersWill California Be The First State To Offer Reparations For Slavery?A task force is creating recommendations to the state's legislature right nowByKeith ReedPublishedJune 16, 2022
NewsNewsBoston Passes Resolution Apologizing For Slavery RoleThe Massachusetts capital is also looking at creating a commission looking into continuing solutions such as…ByMurjani RawlsPublishedJune 16, 2022
CultureHistoryCultureHistoryLeaked Report Shows That Harvard Has 7,000 Remains of Native Americans, And 19 Enslaved PeopleWhile many American universities attempt to reconcile their history with slavery, more information continues to…ByAlexandra JanePublishedJune 5, 2022
NewsRace MattersNewsRace MattersCalifornia Reparations Task Force Releases 'Groundbreaking' First ReportThe California task force outlined harms against its African American citizens and steps to address those wrongs…ByMurjani RawlsPublishedJune 1, 2022
NewsNow playing News5 Ways Harvard Embraced SlaveryA Harvard University faculty committee unearthed the institution’s embrace of slavery in a 134-page report.PublishedApril 28, 2022
NewsNewsHarvard's $100 Million, 134-page Mea Culpa for SlaveryThe richest university on earth starts to come clean about its ties to America's original sin.ByKeith ReedPublishedApril 27, 2022
NewsRace MattersNewsRace MattersCalifornia Task Force on Reparations Gathers in San FranciscoThis is the first time that the task force has met in person in more than a year.ByNoah A. McGeePublishedApril 13, 2022