Former acting Attorney General Sally Yates was supposed to testify before the House Intelligence Committee about the…
The heat is turning up on the White House with news reports claiming that an FBI investigation into this Beverly…
Paul Manafort, a former campaign chairman for President Vladimir TrumPutin, once worked for a Russian billionaire…
Updated Sunday, March 5, 2017, 11 a.m. EST: It seems as if President Loco is going to his tired and false bag of…
At this point, Donald Trump’s White House would probably make out better submitting a list of folks who haven’t…
On Wednesday night it was revealed that Jeff Sessions had contact with the Russian ambassador to the United States…
No shade to the Kremlin, but if you have to pay for a psychological dossier on Sunkist Stalin, there’s a reason Muva…
Now, this is getting interesting: The FBI reportedly rejected a White House request to stop media reports about…
Seriously, Valentine’s Day just passed, and while we don’t want to be a dick about it, Russia is starting to become…
The latest news coming out of the White House is only shocking if you believe that a restaurant in Washington, D.C.,…
The Trump administration stinks. It has from the beginning, and two of the major offenses have been the…
The Trump administration has loosened sanctions on America’s new play cousin on our fascist father’s side. That’s…
To the shock of no one, President Donald Trump spent his first White House news conference Friday talking about…
Now that doomsday has happened, there are certain things to which we can look forward.
This Russia-Donald Trump thing just keeps getting weirder.
President-elect Donald Trump held his first press conference since winning the presidency, to less-than-stellar…
The Kremlin wants to make it clear that it does not have a dossier of damaging information on President-elect Donald…
President Barack Obama issued sanctions against Russian intelligence services and ordered 35 Russian intelligence…
According to U.S. officials, the Obama administration is close to announcing a series of measures, including…
Raise your hand you knew, before this year, that the electors chosen in each state — the people who actually…