New footage from the police killing of Stephon Clark shows Sacramento, Calif., cops waited more than five minutes to…
A recently discovered video of a California sheriff talking to law enforcement officers shows Kern County’s chief…
Much has been made of the fact that a black teenager laughed openly in court before being sentenced to 65 years in…
The death of Stephon Clark does what many black men’s deaths at the hands of police do: rally the troops to protest…
- Columnists Raise Issue After Stephon Clark Death
On March 18, two police officers in Sacramento, Calif., shot and killed 22-year-old Stephon Clark in the backyard of…
Even though she was brandishing a steak knife, when Decynthia Clements emerged from her SUV and walked toward Elgin,…
There are a lot of questions running through my mind after I reluctantly watched the execution of yet another…
A Minneapolis police officer turned himself in to authorities Tuesday after being charged with third-degree murder…
Police in Sacramento, Calif., shot and killed an unarmed black man in his own backyard Sunday night after mistaking…
We’ve all been there before. And by “we” I mean, “if you’re black and you’ve ever been behind the wheel of a car.”
In the wake of a major court victory, the mother of Korryn Gaines, Rhanda Dormeus, wants people to know exactly what…
There is a familiar grief ritual when a young person dies, especially from violence, especially in poor, black…
A Cleveland family is still trying to find answers after 21-year-old Thomas Yatsko was shot and killed over the…
On Sunday, March 15, 2015, officers from the Los Angeles Police Department pulled a homeless man from his tent in a…
Police officers killed 1,129 people in 2017.
The Civilian Office of Police Accountability, a Chicago oversight board, has found that the December 2015…
With reminders of the tragic death of Aiyana Stanley-Jones, the 7-year-old shot down as Detroit police stormed her…
In Chicago, it’s not enough to kill a black teen. After a Chicago police officer took the life of Quintonio LeGrier,…