Recent weeks have been a series of heartbreaks as awareness grows around the deaths of Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna…
A large crowd came together in protest near the scene where a black man was fatally shot by police officers in…
On March 13 in Louisville, Ky., 26-year-old Breonna Taylor was shot to death in what appeared to be a botched police…
The Chicago Police Board has dismissed two officers who riddled a car with bullets during a 2016 car chase that…
It’s been trying times, folks. You would hope a crisis affecting every level of American life would put a temporary…
A grand jury has indicted Prince George’s County police officer Michael A. Owen Jr. on second-degree murder,…
For a group that is meant to de-escalate situations, the police seem to be straight up terrible at it.…
To hear Prince George’s Police Chief Hank Stawinski tell it, it was a case so egregious, the department had to act…
An unidentified man died in the front passenger seat of a police cruiser in Prince George’s County, Md., on Monday…
When an officer shoots and kills someone, whether on-duty or off, there is usually an investigation into the…
The mother of a 21-year-old killed by a police officer has filed a federal lawsuit against the officer and the city…
Five Alabama police officers are on leave and one man is dead after the deceased man’s family reportedly witnessed…
On Oct. 12, police killed Atatiana Jefferson in her own Fort Worth, Texas, home.
The then off-duty Chicago cop who fired his gun out of his car window, striking and killing Rekia Boyd, an innocent…
The Fort Worth, Texas police officer who shot and killed 28-year-old Atatiana Jefferson in her mother’s home early…
The Fort Worth Police Department and its police chief, Ed Kraus, have a lot of explaining to do as it pertains to…
A white male officer with the Fort Worth Police Department in Texas is on administrative leave after shooting and…
I want to believe there is a God.
The Colorado Springs police sergeant involved in the August killing of 19-year-old unarmed De’Von Bailey has once…
Phoenix is well known for its oppressive heat and obnoxious Republicans. But with police misconduct rapidly working…