NewsLegalNewsLegalSecond Cop in Tyre Nichols Case Changes His Mind About His Plea...Former Memphis officer Emmitt Martin III decided to enter a guilty plea in the brutal beating of Tyre Nichols.ByKalyn WomackUpdatedAugust 25, 2024
Criminal JusticeLaw EnforcementPolice BrutalityCriminal JusticeLaw EnforcementPolice BrutalityBlack People Beware: These States Are Blocking Us From Video Recording Police BrutalityA wave of legislation after George Floyd would limit police accountability by creating a "buffer zone" between…ByNigel RobertsPublishedMay 30, 2024
NewsCriminal JusticeCrimeNewsCriminal JusticeCrime"Excited Delirium" Diagnoses Have Protected Bad Cops, But Now Prominent Doctors Are Rejecting ItThe American College of Emergency Physicians took a stand against the diagnosis of excited delirium, which is often…ByJessica WashingtonPublishedOctober 16, 2023
NewsLaw EnforcementNewsLaw EnforcementCalifornia Governor Proposes Rolling Back Police TransparencyCalifornia Governor Gavin Newsom's budget proposal recommends cutting a hard-won police accountability and…ByJessica WashingtonPublishedJune 21, 2023
NewsLaw EnforcementNewsLaw EnforcementBaltimore is Still Taking the L for Their Trifling Disbanded Police UnitSeveral officer's from Baltimore's Gun Trace Task Force were charged and sentenced for crimes.ByKalyn WomackPublishedMay 26, 2023
NewsLaw EnforcementNewsLaw EnforcementThe Antioch Police Drama Just Keeps Getting WorseThe California Attorney General has launched a civil rights investigation into the racist-text scandal at the…ByKalyn WomackPublishedMay 11, 2023
PoliticsThe Root InterviewPoliticsThe Root InterviewExclusive: Rep. Pressley and Sen. Markey Push Bill To End Qualified ImmunityThe Root spoke exclusively with Rep. Ayanna Pressley and Sen. Edward Markey about new legislation that would hold…ByJessica WashingtonPublishedApril 19, 2023
Criminal JusticeLaw EnforcementPolice BrutalityCriminal JusticeLaw EnforcementPolice BrutalityBefore There Was George Floyd, There Was John Pope and Zoya CodeMinneapolis will pay $8.9 million to two Black residents who say Derek Chauvin pressed his knee into their necks…ByJessica WashingtonPublishedApril 14, 2023
NewsCriminal JusticeNewsCriminal Justice3 Families of Police Brutality Victims Gather for Plea Entry in Ronald Greene CaseRonald Greene died during an arrest by a group of Louisiana officers in 2019.ByKalyn WomackPublishedApril 12, 2023
Criminal JusticeLaw EnforcementCriminal JusticeLaw Enforcement7 Black People Killed After Cops Falsely Discover a Gun That was Never ThereThe recent police shooting of Tyrea Pryor highlights the country’s stifling issue.ByKalyn WomackPublishedApril 8, 2023
NewsLaw EnforcementPolice BrutalityNewsLaw EnforcementPolice BrutalityFour Cops In Tyre Nichols Case Barred From Policing, It's About TimeIn Memphis, 4 of the 5 police officers charged in Tyre Nichols death were banned from policing.ByJessica WashingtonPublishedMarch 24, 2023
Criminal JusticeLaw EnforcementCriminal JusticeLaw EnforcementControversial Prosecutor Hired to Handle Police Killing CaseLouisiana prosecutor Hugo Holland is prosecuting the five white Louisiana officers indicted in the killing of Black…ByKalyn WomackPublishedMarch 22, 2023
NewsLaw EnforcementNewsLaw EnforcementDOJ Report: Here Are The Nasty Things Louisville's Police Department Has DoneBreonna Taylor's murder is the tip of the iceberg of horrendous acts done by The Louisville Metro Police Department.ByKalyn WomackPublishedMarch 9, 2023
Criminal JusticeLaw EnforcementCriminal JusticeLaw EnforcementWe Found More Shady Things That Make the Tyre Nichols’ Investigation Seem Crooked [Updated]In the Tyre Nichols' case, a lot of this ish just don't add up.ByKalyn WomackPublishedFebruary 11, 2023
NewsLaw EnforcementPolice BrutalityNewsLaw EnforcementPolice BrutalityBlack Lawmakers To Highlight Victims of Police Brutality At State of The Union AddressThe Rootspoke exclusively with Rep. Gwen Moore and Milwaukee Bucks' player Sterling Brown about why we must keep…ByJessica WashingtonPublishedFebruary 7, 2023
NewsLegalNewsLegalAmir Locke Will Become the Face of No-Knock Warrant Bans, Family SaysNo Minneapolis officers were charged in the fatal shooting one year ago.ByKalyn WomackPublishedFebruary 7, 2023
NewsLaw EnforcementPolice BrutalityNewsLaw EnforcementPolice BrutalityExperts Say Let the World See What They Did To Tyre Nichols“When we don’t have records, when we don’t have documentation, that’s when people are able to ignore the problems,”…ByJessica WashingtonPublishedFebruary 3, 2023
NewsCriminal JusticeNewsCriminal JusticeGeorge Floyd’s Family to Join in Laying Tyre Nichols to RestWhite House officials will also be in attendance at Nichols’ funeral.ByKalyn WomackPublishedJanuary 31, 2023
OpinionSome ThoughtsOpinionSome ThoughtsTyre Nichols' Death Is Driven By Racism Even With 4 Black Cops, Here’s Why.In case there was any confusion, just remember ACAB.ByCandace McDuffiePublishedJanuary 30, 2023
Criminal JusticeSocial JusticeCriminal JusticeSocial JusticeGov. Kemp Declares State of Emergency Amidst Consistent Cop City Protests [Update]The death of Manuel Esteban Paez Teran has led to days of unrest.ByKalyn WomackUpdatedJanuary 28, 2023