Since we’re all stuck (or should be) inside the house for the foreseeable future (despite various projected goals…
The coronavirus has most of us staying inside the house—if possible—and that’s creating some new realities for our…
It feels like months ago when word started coming down that the coronavirus might shut down our whole lives for…
In an effort to stop the coronavirus from spreading, Amazon, Spotify, Google and Facebook are among the many…
We’ve been down this old town road before.
You know, as I watch my kids grow, I’ve come to the realization that, in life, the 3-5 age range is really the sweet…
Life is full of hard choices; some with bigger payoffs or sacrifices than others. But as Oprah tells People, not…
A Florida woman has filed a paternity case naming Future as the father of a 4-month-old girl. If true, the child…
Parenting, in practice, is a lot of work. Sure, it’s work that most of us who have the privilege of being parents…
When we heard that Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, secretly guest-edited the September issue of British Vogue, we were…
Jamilah Lemieux is a millennial working mother—emphasis on working. The acclaimed journalist, activist, cultural…
In my house, we are currently potty training my three-year-old. It’s the challenge all parents must face and…
The first time I heard Staceyann Chin perform, it was (at the risk of dating myself) during the early aughts Broadway…
It’s a damn shame when you put up folks in your home and they — literally — piss all over it. That’s the charge NBA…
It’s too early to make a definitive determination, but I think my 3-year-old daughter has transitioned out of her…
I was driving my daughter to school this morning, gleefully coasting across the Washington, D.C., area’s Woodrow…
In the summer of 1990, each day the weather and his schedule permitted, my dad and I would leave our rowhouse on…
This story is horrifyingly wild AF.