Nearly 1,000 people showed up at the New York City headquarters of the National Football League Wednesday in support…
On Monday night, I walked into FirstEnergy Stadium having absolutely no clue what was going to happen during the…
The protest started by Colin Kaepernick to bring awareness and concern to the killing of unarmed black men, women…
This should be an interesting football season—and year, for that matter—since many American institutions are messily…
The NFL has suspended Dallas Cowboys star running back Ezekiel Elliott for six games after Elliott’s ex-girlfriend…
My mother loves Michael Harriot. I know this, not because she has told me thousands of times, but because she has lov…
After watching a clip of an ESPN fantasy football bit where a group of white men “buy” black players from an (also…
While free agent quarterback Colin Kaepernick is still without an NFL home for his protest against the killing by…
Earlier today, ESPN reports, sentient cash register wrapped in a Jos. A. Bank discount-rack pocket square Roger…
In the time since I began writing this, Jay Cutler could’ve broken his right ring finger after punching a bag of Hot…
Five years after his Super Bowl loss to Joe Flacco and the Ravens, Colin Kaepernick is still better than at least a…
So those on the right have this thing where they say completely triggering comments that would have a triggering…
The good news is that Baltimore’s unemployment rate is a breathtakingly low 6.1 percent in August of 2017; the bad…
Out of 202 brains of deceased football players studied, CTE was diagnosed in 177 of them, a number that includes…
The NFL has a race problem. This certainly sounds ludicrous on its face. How can an organization with so many…
Looks like there’s some redemption for those who mercilessly beat a partner and drag her out of an elevator.…
It didn’t take long for rumors and speculation to start circulating about why Aaron Hernandez may have committed…
Aaron Hernandez’s family says it doesn’t believe he was in a suicidal frame of mind coming off his acquittal in the…
Updated Wednesday, April 19, 2017, 10:26 a.m. EDT: Jose Baez, the attorney who represented Hernandez in his…