A Georgia man was taken into police custody after authorities say he followed a high school teacher into a shopping…
The Hart-family SUV crash has officially claimed six lives, with officials confirming Tuesday that a body pulled…

Barstow, Calif., police officers fired what sounded like more than 30 bullets into a car in Walmart’s parking lot,…
If you, like me, waited until the eleventh hour to even think about getting your taxes filed, you have just been…
Former first lady Barbara Bush died at her home in Houston on Tuesday following a battle with congestive heart…
Mignon Clyburn, a Democrat on the Federal Communications Commission who was one of only two people to vote in favor…
Donald Trump hates Jeff Sessions with a passion. Sessions thought he was going to be a Trump guy, coming out all…
An inmate and a guard inside a South Carolina correctional facility spoke with The Root detailing conditions inside…
The Food and Drug Administration has started an investigation into a Southern Illinois University professor who…
Starbucks is upping the ante (and perhaps trying to salvage whatever is left of its reputation) by closing more than…
If Scott Pruitt had an Instagram page, it would just be photos of him flossing in first class, lounging in his…
James Comey is out here promoting his petty takedown of the president, A Higher Loyalty, and as such we are learning…

A 71-year-old woman was arrested after she allegedly attacked a pregnant black servicewoman over a confrontation…
President Vladimir TrumPutin was supposed to be proving that he wasn’t in bed with the Russians when he ran out here…
New footage from the police killing of Stephon Clark shows Sacramento, Calif., cops waited more than five minutes to…
The Cambridge, Mass., Police Department has launched an internal investigation since video has surfaced showing…
So, remember last week when Fox News host Sean Hannity went all wild about the Michael Cohen raids, calling them a…
The National Rifle Association acknowledged to Congress in writing last week that it has accepted contributions from…
Random black guy strikes again. Except, of course, he didn’t. But a white, Spotsylvania County, Va., man was…
Warning: The video contained in this post is another example of the criminalization of black skin. I warn that the…