Google has released a report admitting that it is struggling to keep its black employees.
I begrudgingly have to admit that Tom Brady, the New England Patriots quarterback I love to hate, is now less hated…
You have probably heard of Dennis Hof before. His famous brothel, the Moonlite Bunny Ranch, was the subject of the…
Throughout the entire Mueller investigation, Donald Trump and his band of criminal cronies have claimed that the…
Around A.D. 49, the Roman emperor Claudius expelled the Jews from the city of Rome. Historians argue about the exact…
It was announced on Friday that Brian Gitta, a software engineer from Uganda, has become the youngest person to…
Amid a deluge of recent reports on the terrors that migrants are facing at the U.S. border, including stories of…
Most kids, when they get the option to choose a historical figure for a history project, choose people like Martin…
A Black Lives Matter protester is reportedly filing a $5 million lawsuit against New York City bicycle cops who he…
What happened to Kellen Winslow Jr.? Last week, the former NFL tight end was arrested in San Diego on suspicion of…
Andrew Medina, a security monitor at Parkland, Fla.’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, saw accused shooter…
A Mesa, Ariz., judge has dropped the charges lobbed against a local man who was brutally beaten by cops as he was…
A black family was targeted by a white man who had the nerve to ask them if they had showered prior to attempting to…
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders is a mindless propaganda puppet, and U.S. Attorney General Jeff…
Proving that black women do not possess the genetic predisposition enjoyed by people who forget about past events…
As this country continues its shock-and-awe terror agenda against undocumented immigrants, we get daily examples of…
The case of Cyntoia Brown, who was sentenced to life in prison for a murder she committed at age 16, has now dragged…
On Thursday the New York attorney general sued quite a few people and institutions with the name “Trump,” including…
A Texas woman and ex-offender who received a harsh five-year jail sentence for voting illegally will not get a new…
During his visit with brutal North Korean dictator—and wearer of one of the tightest Asian-man high-top fades, Kim…