With days to go until election day, there are increasing signs of voter disinformation and suppression tactics…
Since an alarmingly large number of white folks have clearly lost the ability to act right, Michigan’s Secretary of…
With days left before he was set to graduate from high school, Devin Freelon and his friends decided to visit…
The white male terrorists accused of plotting to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer also contemplated “taking…
In Michigan, a reward has been put out for information regarding a series of alleged hate crimes perpetrated against…
Y’all, I’m thinking Michigan might be gunning for the position of most racist state, because it’s the only way I can…
On Sunday, Michigan Republican State Senator Tom Barrett learned that life comes at you fast.
Michigan Appeals Court Grants Release of Black Girl Who Was Detained After Not Doing Online Homework
A 15-year-old Black girl who was being detained in a juvenile facility in Detroit for failing to complete online…
In Harper Woods, Mich., protests have been ongoing since the death of Priscilla Slater, a Black woman, while in…
It’s truly disheartening how quickly the American judicial system works to lock Black youth up. If you had any…
Earlier this week, ProPublica and the Detroit Free Press published a story about a 15-year-old Black girl,…
If it’s one thing white women know how to do, it’s to turn on the tears when they need to turn off the heat from…
Michigan Woman Who Pulled Gun on Black Family Charged With Felonious Assault, Husband Fired From Job
In this moment in time when white people are losing their minds and pointing weapons at Black people willy-nilly (as…
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is presiding over one of the most consequential states in the nation as we approach…
It seems like we can’t go more than a week or so without a new video popping up in our news feeds showing police…
The Michigan attorney general doesn’t have time for Trump’s maskless fuckshit and told him that he has a “legal…
President Donald Trump is a liar. I can’t stress this fact strongly enough.
Nearly three months after the first confirmed COVID-19 case in the U.S., more than 1.1 million people have been…
One of the populations most at risk for contracting COVID-19 is prison inmates. The cramped living spaces combined…
President Trump is what happens when old racists learn how to use Twitter. First, they figure out that the world can…