On Oct. 23, 12 Oakland County, Mich., communities spent roughly nine days without water after a major water main…
Five teen thugs from Michigan are facing charges of second-degree murder for allegedly throwing rocks over an…
Imagine being nine months pregnant and enduring contractions, which can be stressful enough already. Now imagine…
Do you know these racist thugs? Ann Arbor, Mich., police are requesting the public’s help in identifying and…
Contaminated Flint, Mich., Water Resulted in Fewer Pregnancies, Higher Number of Fetal Deaths: Study
Women who were exposed to the horrendously high levels of lead in their drinking water in Flint, Mich., suffered…
On Thursday, the Heinz Family Foundation honored pediatrician and public health advocate Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha by…
Everybody is all about freedom of speech and expression until a black person (hey, Colin Kaepernick; hey, Jemele…
Following the violence of the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va., Democrats in the Michigan House of…
A young Michigan mother is facing two felony charges in the death of her 6-month-old son, who allegedly went days…
A man in Roseville, Mich., is accusing a local bar and grill of being racist toward black customers after he says he…
Ledura Watkins has spent his entire adult life in prison for a murder he didn’t commit. On Thursday, after some 41…
Six current and former Michigan and Flint officials—including Michigan Health and Human Services Director Nick…
All charges against a Detroit man were dropped Thursday after he spent some 25 years in prison.
Parents and children are speaking out against the blatant racism that some kids are allegedly facing at a school…
There are just some things you can’t make up, and apparently, a white Hastings, Mich., police officer is claiming…
Up until last Tuesday, Michigan was the only state that granted undercover cops immunity from prosecution for having…
Jim Harbaugh, the former San Francisco 49ers head coach, is coming out in full defense of his former quarterback…
An 8-year-old girl is a suspect in the death of a toddler at a Muskegon, Mich., day care, in a case that is shaking…
A Detroit-area emergency room doctor is being accused of mutilating the genitals of two 7-year-old girls in what is…