Rashad Trice admitted to abducting and killing the child after a dispute with her mother.
‘If you don't tell your story, then the people who are telling the story get to shape the entire narrative,’…
Kyra Harris Bolden is the first Black woman justice on the state’s high court.
Remember what happened in Flint? It's been nearly a decade, but justice is still being sought.
The fire department chief decided the firefighters should be fired.
The group includes two health officials who were blamed for deaths from Legionnaires disease.
Michigan received $104.6 million in funding to dismantle Interstate 375, a depressed highway that segregated…
State Rep. Shri Thanedar's primary win has started up a discussion about the dilution of Black voting power in…
Michigan Supreme Court Dismisses Indictments In Flint Water Case
Officer Christopher Schurr has been charged with a count of second-degree murder.
As prosecutor Christopher Becker continues to gather information, demonstrators demand Officer Christopher Schurr be…
The president of the university finds the accusations “unfounded.”
As usual, a police union believes a cop can do no wrong.
In a written statement, Michigan Police Chief Eric Windstrom publicly released Schurr's name Monday as the man who…
The funeral service for Patrick Lyoya was held publicly and live streamed. Lyoya's family remembered him as a father…
The Michigan attorney general's office reopened the case after a witness to the teen's death came forward.
One of the threats included 'you won't see the bullet coming.'
Now buying hair oil and durags is as easy as buying a bag of chips.
The Pensole Lewis College of Business and Design is slated to be open in March 2022
“This is a slap in the face,” says Black Millennials 4 Flint founder, LaTrecia Adams