Like most folks that I know who took the time to actually watch the Republican National Convention in Cleveland (I…
Thursday night will mark the official end to the Republican National Convention, and it has been quite a show in…
An employee with the Trump Organization has taken the fall for the apparent plagiarism of Michelle Obama's 2008…
If you were listening to Melania Trump, the wife of presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, speak…
President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama will travel to Dallas on Tuesday to attend an interfaith…
It's been well-established that President Obama discarded the last one of his fucks many moons ago; letting it go…
Fittingly, the women of the Obama family took a multicountry tour in support of Michelle Obama’s Let Girls Learn init…
The Obama administration has shown up and shown out for women, and the White House is stepping to the plate once…
Friday is a big day at the White House, with Malia Obama, the elder daughter of President Barack Obama and first…
Michelle Obama gave her very last commencement speech as first lady at the 170th commencement of the City College of…

After recent news that the Obamas would stay in Washington, D.C., once the president finished his term in office, Pol…
As Barack Obama’s second presidential term winds to a close, Black Americans are contemplating the sad prospect of…
Twitter screenshot via @ObamaWhiteHouse
Last night, President Barack Obama began the farewell tour of his presidency with his final State of the Union…
As much of the country — including, even, school crossing guards — seems to be engaged in an "Oh How I Hate Muslims"…
Yesterday, two stills were released from Southside With You, the movie depicting the President and the First Lady's…