Corinne Foxx, daughter of Jamie Foxx, is a pretty face, but she also has a brain; and for mental health awareness…
On the day that her “Can We Talk” Mental Health Conference weekend (June 7-9) is set to kick off in Washington,…
I’m afraid I’m going to fart in front of my therapist.
For twenty-five years, I’ve had to work through anxiety, depression and all sorts of mental health stuff. What have…
You know that scene in My Cousin Vinny where Vinny’s girlfriend, Mona Lisa Vito, played by Marissa Tomei, testifies…
Charlie Sheen, who at one time was definitely a terrible person who also happens to struggle with mental illness and…
Actress Taraji P. Henson announced that her Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation (BLHF) will hold a two-day summit “to…
As soon as I walk into my yoga studio in Brooklyn, I leave every societal hang-up on how black men are supposed to…
The rise in the suicide rate for black children ages 5 to 12 is an overlooked national emergency, according to a…
In 2013, 27-year-old Amy Bleuel began a mental health advocacy organization dubbed “Project Semicolon” to bring…
Today, May 1, marks May Day, the day that we pay homage to the workers of the world, and it also marks the start of…
April is Mental Health Awareness Month, and with it, a welcome announcement: Oprah is teaming up with the Duke of…
In a most tragic incident coincidentally occurring during Mental Health Awareness Month, a former African-American…
Life is short, life is simple
Life is joy, life is pain
Life is wonderful, and terrible
But it’s beautiful, and love’s…
Editor’s note: Until recently, mental health and illness were taboo subjects in the black community. But thanks to…
Editor’s note: Until recently, mental health and illness were taboo subjects in the black community. But thanks to…
Doctor. Wife. Mother—of five. Entrepreneur. Food enthusiast. Event curator. Philanthropist. Lezli Levene Harvell…
Editor’s note: Until recently, mental health and illness were taboo subjects in the black community. But thanks to…